LRZ-Newsletter Nr. 09/2017 vom 07.09.2017

Unsere Themen:

Termine, Veranstaltungen, Allgemeines

Tag der offenen Tür am Samstag, 21. Oktober 2017, 11-18 Uhr

Am Samstag, 21. Oktober, von 11 bis 18 Uhr, findet der Tag der offenen Tür auf dem Forschungscampus Garching statt, an dem sich auch wieder das LRZ beteiligt. Wie in den Vorjahren, bieten wir Führungen durch das Rechnergebäude und Vorführungen im Zentrum für Virtuelle Realität und Visualisierung sowie einen Vortrag "Hochleistungsrechnen und seine Anwendungen" an. Die Einzelheiten erfahren Sie auf unserer Webseite.
Die Angebote aller teilnehmenden Einrichtungen finden Sie über die Webseite .

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How to build a virtual human

Am Donnerstag, 27. September, findet im IMAX des Science Museum in London, UK, die Premiere von "How to build a virtual human" statt. Der Film zeigt, wie Wissenschaftler ihre Vision verwirklichen möchten, den kompletten menschlichen Körper zu simulieren. Die Motivation dahinter: Personalisierte Medizin zu ermöglichen. Die für die Simulation benötigte Rechenpower sowie das Know-how im Bereich der wissenschaftlichen Visualisierung kommen dafür teils aus dem LRZ – so etwa die Berechnungen zum ‚Virtual Drug Screening’ auf SuperMUC oder die Visualisierung des Blutflusses durch einen Stent. Realisiert wurden die Arbeiten im Rahmen desEU-Projektes CompBioMed unter der Leitung von Prof. Coveney (University College London) und seinem Team.

Also: auf nach London ins Science Museum! Wer am 27. September um 19:30 Uhr nicht live dabei sein kann, hat natürlich später die Gelegenheit, sich das Video online anzusehen. Mehr im nächsten Newsletter.

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Firewall: Einführungs- und Fortgeschrittenen-Kurse am LRZ

Am 22.09., 28.09. und 30.11.2017 bietet das LRZ wieder Einführungs-Kurse in pfsense für virtuelle Firewalls an. Am 29.09. und 30.10.2017 finden Fortgeschrittenen-Kurse über die erweiterten Features in pfsense statt. Alle Kurse sind von 15:00 bis 16:30 Uhr am LRZ in Garching. Bitte melden Sie sich über unsere Kurs-Webseite an.

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Workshop: "Applied Environmental Modelling – Operation and Impact" at EnviroInfo 2017

Prof. Dieter Kranzlmüller (LMU + LRZ), Matti Heikkurinen (LMU) and Prof. Volker Wohlgemuth (HTW Berlin) will host a workshop on ‘Applied Environmental Modelling’ on September 14, 2017 as part of the EnviroInfo 2017 Conference Programme. The workshop will bring together experts in green IT, IT cost assessment, environmental modelling, disaster risk assessment and global supply chain optimisation to lay the groundwork for an economic and ecologic cost-benefit analysis framework that can be used to estimate optimal investments in operational environmental modelling services.

EnviroInfo 2017 is the 31st edition of this environmental informatics conference and will take place from September 13 – 15, 2017 in Luxembourg. EnviroInfo is part of a long standing and established international and interdisciplinary conference series on leading environmental information and communication technologies.

More information on this year’s conference:

For details on the workshop, please see:

LRZ is delighted to announce that next year the 32nd edition of the conference, EnviroInfo 2018, will be hosted at LRZ in Garching following the motto:

Enviroinfo 25
Efficient Computing, Virtual Discoveries, Managing Disruption, Big Data and Open Science in Environmental Informatics

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3rd WaSiM User Conference at LRZ

From 18th to 19th October 2017 the 3rd WaSiM user conference will take place at LRZ. The main aim of the event is to educate on the latest developments of WaSiM, a software used in hydrology to simulate hydrological cycles. Next to talks by users about their WaSiM applications, the conference features a poster session as well as round tables on topics like the use of WaSiM on HPC.

The conference is mainly organised by the Department of Geography (Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig) of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and the Chair for Hydrology and River Basin Management (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Disse) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

To register for the conference, please send an email to

The conference is open to WaSiM users of universities, research institutions, consulting engineers, water administrations and other interested persons. Beginners as well as professionals are welcome to this event.

Autorin: Sabrina Eisenreich

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Zentrale Systeme und Grid Computing

Deep Learning workshop at LRZ

Deep Learning is rapidly penetrating into many scientific disciplines, as data generation and collection become easier while parallel computation power (especially in the form of GPU) grows stronger.

LRZ deployed several GPU systems for deep learning, including a DGX-1 and Openstack cloud based GPU virtual servers (with Pascal 100) since the start of 2017.

Together with Nvidia, we are organizing a one-day deep learning workshop on Sept. 14th, 2017. This workshop is targeted at scientists with limited knowledge of Deep learning, but it will also be informative for Deep learning experts. The core of the workshop will be lectures given by Nvidia experts.

Topics on the agenda include:

  • NVIDIA GPU Computing and DGX AI Supercomputer
  • Changing gear for accelerating deep learning - the first year operation experience with DGX-1
  • Deep Learning Intro: AI boosting HPC
  • Invited talk: Bottlenecks towards Scalable Deep Learning on HPC Systems
  • Invited talk: Deep Learning for Visual Computing
  • Multi-GPU applications: Deep Learning on DGX-1
  • various DGX-1 demos and talks from workshop participants.
For more information and registration, please see

Autor: Volker Weinberg

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Advanced C++ with Focus on Software Engineering

This advanced C++ training on Wednesday, October 4 till Friday, October 6, 2017 by Klaus Iglberger  is a course on object-oriented (OO) software design with the C++ programming language. The focus of the training are the essential OO and C++ software development principles, concepts, idioms, and best practices, which enable programmers to create professional, high-quality code. The course will not address special areas and applications of C++, such as for instance Template Meta Programming (TMP), or the quirks and curiosities of the C++ language. It rather teaches guidelines to develop mature, robust, and maintainable C++ code.

More information can be found under

We will also offer basic C and C++ courses for beginners in Autumn, see C Language for Beginners and C++ Language for Beginners .

Autor: Volker Weinberg

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Next HPC Courses and Workshops at LRZ

Following, please, find a list of the next HPC courses at LRZ

PRACE PATC Course: Advanced Fortran Topics

Monday, September 11 - Friday, September 15, 2017, 09:00 - 18:00>

Deep Learning Workshop

Thursday, September 14 , 2017, 9:00-18:00

Advanced C++ with Focus on Software Engineering

Wednesday, October 4 - Friday, October 6, 2017, 9:00 - 17:00

C Language for Beginners

Tuesday, October 24 - Thursday, October 26, 2017, 9:00 - 16:30

C++ Language for Beginners

Tuesday, November 7 - Friday, November 10, 2017, 9:00 - 16:30

PRACE PATC Course: Node-Level Performance Engineering

Thursday, November 30 - Friday, December 1, 2017, 9:00 - 17:00

Molecular Modeling with Schrödinger-Suite Workshop

Tuesday, December 5 - Thursday, December 7, 2017

PRACE PATC Course: Introduction to hybrid programming in HPC

Thursday, January 18, 2018, 10:00 - 17:00

Programming with Fortran

Wednesday, February 14 - Friday, February 16, 2018, 9:00-18:00

PRACE PATC Workshop: VI-HPS Tuning Workshop

Monday, April 23 - Friday, April 27, 2018, 9:00-18:00

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Infobrief der Gauß-Allianz

Die Gauß-Allianz (GA) ist der Zusammenschluss von 18 Rechenzentren und Institutionen in Deutschland zur nachhaltigen und effizienten Nutzung von Supercomputing-Ressourcen der obersten Leistungsklassen. Hier finden Sie die aktuelle Ausgabe des GA-Infobriefs.
Das Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) ist der Zusammenschluss der drei nationalen Höchstleistungsrechenzentren in Deutschland (FZ Jülich, HLRS in Stuttgart und LRZ in Garching bei München). GCS ist der deutsche Partner in der Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE).
Die Gauß-Allianz schreibt den Namen des großen Mathematikers mit "ß", das Gauss Centre schreibt seinen Namen in britischem Englisch mit "ss" statt "ß".

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PRACE Newsletter

PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, was established in 2010 to create a persistent pan-European Research Infrastructure (RI) of world-class supercomputers. This infrastructure is currently made up of seven leading edge machines, hosted by five member countries, (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland) and is accessible through an open peer-review process, complemented by national resources operated and accessible via High Performance Computing (HPC) centres throughout Europe. Please, take a look at the latest PRACE newsletter.

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Stellenangebote / Job Opportunities

Sie finden alle aktuellen Stellenangebote des LRZ immer auf unser Webseite

You will find all job opportunities at LRZ, some of them in English, on our web page


Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Boltzmannstraße 1
D-85748 Garching

Telefon: +49-89-35831-8000
Telefax: +49-89-35831-9700

Redaktion: Dr. Ludger Palm

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