NAGWare Fortran Tools - f77 Tools - nag_profile





nag_profile - Profiler
nag_history - History report generator



nag_profile is the NAGWare f77 Tools instrumenter. This tool instruments a Fortran 77 program producing another program that has the same effect but with extra monitoring code added. When the instrumented program is run the monitoring code counts execution frequencies, which is often called profiling. Optionally the instrumented program may cumulate execution frequencies over a number of runs of the program. Also, optionally, assertion failures can be counted, assertions are special comments that contain Fortran 77 logical expressions that the programmer expects to be true at that point. The nag_profile script can optionally compile the instrumented program.

nag_history produces a listing of cumulative execution frequencies from the history_file generated by running the instrumented program created by nag_profile. History_file is the filename specified to the -history option of nag_profile command.



"Check Assertions" (-assertions)
Assertion comments, if present, are converted into run time checks in the instrumented code.

"Compiler Options" (-fopt options)
This is used to specify options to the Fortran compiler. Surround such options in double quotes. If this option is not specified the default option -g is used.

"History File" (-history file)
Specifies that cumulative execution frequencies and assertion failures are to be recorded in file. This file is created by the first run of the instrumented program, in subsequent runs it is read and updated with the new totals. This file can be listed by the nag_history tool. Unless the -listing option is explicitly set listing of individual runs execution frequencies will not be made.

"Listing File" (-listing file)
Specifies that each run of the instrumented program should list execution frequencies and assertion failures to file. If this option and the -history option are omitted, by default, the listing is made to standard output.

This option enables the compilation phase of this tool.

"Wide Output Listing" (-wide)
Causes the tables produced by the -listing option to be 120 characters wide, using the format specifier I9 for each execution frequency field. The default listing is 80 characters wide, using the format I6.

"Compiler Path" (-Wf=path)
Specifies the fully qualified pathname for the Fortran compiler to use during the compilation phase. If the NAGWare f95 Compiler is installed in the standard place, the GUI will detect this and set the path automatically.

"Segment map file" (-smap file)
This option applies only to the nag_history command. This option is used to specify the segment map file generated by the nag_profile command, see -base above and FILES below.



A table showing execution frequencies will be produced each time the instrumented program is run, by default this is written to stdout, or optionally to the selected file. This table also lists separately segments that are not executed.



If the -history option is selected the first run of the instrumented program causes a data file containing segment execution frequencies to be created. Subsequent runs cause this file to be updated. This data file may be listed using the nag_history command to produce a table in exactly the same format as the single-run table.



Central to the operation of nag_profile is the concept of a segment. Basically, a segment is a "straight-line" section of Fortran code, i.e. one which may only be entered at one position (the top) and exits at one position (the bottom) with each statement in the segment being executed exactly once each time the segment is entered.



Routine Entry.
This is the first segment of a routine, and counts all entries to the routine, including those via ENTRY points.

ENTRY Statements.
The first executable statement following an ENTRY statement will start a segment.

Labelled Statement.
A labelled executable statement will begin a segment unless it is the termination statement of a DO-loop.

Computed GOTO.
A computed GOTO will have as many segments as it has branches. The fall-through "branch" of a computed GOTO will not have a specific segment.

Following a computed GOTO.
The statement following a computed GOTO will start a segment.

Following DO statement.
The statement following a DO statement will start a segment.

End of DO loop.
The end of a DO loop will only be segmented if additional segments have been formed inside the DO loop.

Following End of DO loop.
The statement after the end of a DO loop will start a segment.

Following CALL Statement.
The statement following a CALL which has alternate return arguments will start a segment.

Following Input/Output Statements.
A statement following an i/o statement which has an END= or ERR= control-list item will start a segment.

Block IF.
The statements following IF(...)THEN, ELSEIF(...)THEN, ELSE and ENDIF statements will start a segment. The ELSEIF statement will itself form a segment.

Simple logical IF Statements.
A logical IF which ends with a "simple" consequence (not an arithmetic IF or a computed GOTO) will form a segment for the .TRUE. consequence, and a segment for the "test" portion as well if the IF is labelled or is the first statement in a segment. However, if the IF is the terminal statement of a DO-loop, the "test" will only form a segment if additional in-loop segmentation has been formed.

Arithmetic IF.
An arithmetic IF will form a segment for each branch, and a segment for the "test" as well if the IF is labelled or is the first statement in a segment.

Logical IF with Arithmetic IF consequence.
A logical IF with an arithmetic IF will form a segment for each branch of the arithmetic IF, and for the "test" case of the logical IF as in the cases above. The test portion for the arithmetic IF will not form a segment as the information may be derived by adding the three branch segments' data.

Logical IF with computed GOTO consequence.
All branches of the GOTO will form segments. A segment for the test portion of the IF will be formed according to the simple IF rules.

Following Logical IF.
The statement following a logical IF statement will start a segment.

STOP Statement.
The STOP statement will be changed into a call to the instrumentation wrapup routine, which itself will terminate program execution.

END Statement.
An END statement which is labelled will form a segment.



An assertion is a special comment in the input program which contains a logical expression. This expression is inserted by the tool in an IF statement that is inserted, in the same place as the comment, in the instrumented program. The number of times each assertion is not true is counted and reported in the tables produced by both a single run and the history report.

An assertion comment starts with an asterisk and is followed by "$as$". A logical expression inside parentheses follows. For example:
*$as$ (I.GE.1 .AND. I.LE.10)
An assertion may be continued on successive lines, and will be terminated by a closing parenthesis. Thus,
*$as$ ((I.NE.0) .OR.
*$as$ FOUND)
is a two-line assertion, while
*$as$ (I.NE.0)
*$as$ (FOUND)
are two separate assertions.

Note that since assertions are translated by the instrumentor into statements to perform the run-time checks, they must appear only in places where executable statements may legally appear (and not between continuation lines for another statement for example).



nag_profile may be used to instrument only a part of the user's program. This part must consist of complete subprograms (i.e. you cannot instrument only part of a subprogram).

To partially instrument a program, simply split it into two or more files, one of which contains exactly those routines which require instrumentation. This file should then be processed in the usual manner by nag_profile to produce the instrumented version of those routines.

If the part of the program which is being instrumented does not include any STOP statements or the main program unit, nag_profile will issue a warning saying that the user must insert calls to the "wrapup" subroutine at program termination points. This subroutine has no parameters, and its name is 'RZZ4QX'. The wrapup routine terminates with a STOP statement itself, so the user simply replaces "STOP" with, for example, "CALL RZZ4QX". This must be done to all program termination points, even if nag_profile doesn't produce its warning (i.e. because it found at least one termination point) if the instrumentation is to function correctly.



The nag_profile generates a number of file names which are detailed here. The name of these files is derived from the base file name. This may be specified using the -base option. By default it is the first file argument name with the file extension removed, e.g. if the file is called abcd.f the base name is abcd.

  File               Description

basename_ano.f     The "annotated" listing of the input
                   source file(s), showing segment
                   numbers and any assertion comments.

basename_pro.f     The output instrumented source code.

basename_pro.o     The result of compilation of
                   basename_pro.f. This file will not
                   be produced if -nocompile is

basename_pro.exe   The executable program.  This file
                   will not be produced if
                   -nocompile is specified.   The segment map produced by
                   nag_profile. This file is
                   essential for the nag_history
                   report generator.



nag_profile was developed from parts of the public domain Fortran 77 Analyser developed for the US National Bureau of Standards.




Copyright, Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford, 1991-2001