NAGWare Fortran Tools - f77 Tools - nag_libdoc






nag_libdoc - Interface Lister



nag_libdoc is the NAGWare f77 Tools Interface Lister. This tool lists in a standard format, described below, the arguments to each routine in the input file or files. If the complete calling tree of a program unit is given the tool indicates which arguments are not changed by the routine. It is intended as providing the first step towards automatic generation of subroutine library documentation. It might also be used as the first stage in automatically generating interface definitions to allow Fortran software to be embedded in another system.

A specimen program may be found in the same directory as the Tutorial Examples called document.f. This program reads the output from nag_libdoc and reformats the information to produce skeleton documentation in a similar format to the NAG Fortran Library documentation. This program is supplied as starting point to use the output of nag_libdoc to produce customised documentation. This program is not supported as part of the NAGWare f77 Tools service and is offered without any guarantees of any kind.






The output from the tool is very easy to understand and can be explained as follows. Each program unit is displayed in the following manner. A standard Fortran 77 FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE statement is generated. This is followed by lines showing the name and type of all the arguments including array dimension information. Following the argument may be the words !Read-only which indicate that the argument is not updated during the call. If the call tree of program unit is incomplete, Unknown (program incomplete) may appear after the argument name, thus indicating that due to the incomplete nature of the program, the tool could not decide whether the argument is read only. If an argument of a program unit is a procedure, i.e. the name of a FUNCTION or a SUBROUTINE, the type of function and its name or the name of the subroutine is output. If this procedure is not used by the program unit being called, the next line contains the words Never referenced in any way, but if the procedure argument is only passed on to another routine the next line says Not directly referenced. However if the passed program unit name is called within the program unit to which it is being passed and in turn has arguments, the arguments are displayed on subsequent lines with the word Argument followed by the number of the argument, and then the type of the argument.




Copyright, Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford, 1991-2001