NAGWare Fortran Tools - f77 Tools - nag_chname





nag_chname - Name Changer



nag_chname is the NAG F77 Tools Fortran 77 name changer. This tool systematically changes names in the Fortran 77 source file(s) according to commands given in the specified control file or read from standard input.

The control file (or standard input) is read for change requests of the form

<names> <comments> <strings> <hol> <fold> <pat> = <rep>

where <names>, <comments>, <strings>, <hol> are either t (true) or f (false) indicating whether or not changes are to be applied to names, comments, strings or holleriths respectively. <fold> is either t or f specifying whether case folding is to be applied. <pat> is a name or regular expression specifying names that are to be changed. <pat> must be separated from the previous flags by at least one space. <rep> is the replacement name or regular expression. For example,

tffft X123 = Y345

This indicates that the name X123 is to be replaced by Y345, comments, strings and holleriths are unchanged. Case folding is applied hence the name x123 will also be matched and replaced.

The form of regular expressions used may be selected using the option -regexp. If only simple name replacement is required then the option -regexp none should be used for maximum efficiency.

Upon successful completion of the tool each input file is backed up to file.orig and is replaced by the output file.



"Regular expression type" (-regexp type)
Specifies the form of regular expression to be used in change requests in the control file. type is none for no regular expressions, toolpack for Toolpack/1 expressions, emacs for GNU emacs style, egrep for the Unix egrep(1) patterns, or apollo for HP/Apollo Domain expressions. none is the default and the fastest option. For information on regular expression syntax please see nag_regexp.



Self explanatory diagnostic messages are output.



nag_polopt, nag_regexp, emacs(where available), egrep(1), Apollo Domain Display Manager documentation.

Copyright, Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford, 1991-2001