Network configuration for events
MWN (and Internet) use at events
Members of scientific events (Meetings, Congresses, Workshops etc.) usually have got an user account for eduroam to use the MWN WLAN with no restrictions. It should always be when it is available.
For single or few members or guests we recommend to use guest accounts. They can be established by each master user by way of the ID-Portal, are valid for 7 days maximum and are working the same way as Eduroam accounts.
If at an event many members with no eduroam account want to use the wlan, we offer to apply for an events account on http://www.lrz.de/services/netz/wlan/mwn-events/antragsformular/. It will be checked if it is serious and if there will be costs (with commercial character). Then it will be approved and an event account (same for all members of the event) is assigned. This account is valid from 24 hours before start till the end of the event. On request for more testing also a forerun of 3 days is possible. Using this account and the SSID mwn-events the members can establish an encrypted internet connection, the authentification method is PEAP/MS-CHAPv2.
For common operating systems there are profiles and instructions for easy and secure installation to download. ( http://www.lrz.de/services/netz/wlan/mwn-events/)