Navigate the Internet safely

To mark Safer Internet Day on February 8, 2022, we offer you a colorful kaleidoscope of tips and recommendations from Team Cybersecurity at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ). Stay curious but cautious when navigating the Internet. As one example: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) can also be installed on private notebooks and protects your surfing trips as well as online communication.

email1       data

wah       virus

word1       net

email2       data2

wah2       virus2

word2       net2


If you want to know more and read up on IT security topics:

Miran Mizani, LRZ security specialist, on secure passwords and how the LRZ ensures security

Stephan Metzger, LRZ's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), advises firewalls and secure data connections.

Deutschland sicher im Netz is a website where companies, educational institutions and users can find lots of practical tips on how to use the Internet safely.

The Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik collects news about hacks, malware and publishes the latest cyber security tips.

CONCORDIA is the European answer to hacking and cyber attacks: On the online platform, companies, organizations and users can find contacts, advice, education and qualification around IT and cybersecurity. CONCORDIA is currently building a directory of accessible cyber ranges, online environments where security specialists can analyze cyberattacks and develop counterstrategies.

And if you have a few euros to spare, you can even profit from cybersecurity - and invest in security companies. In any case, here's a list of international companies with widely used security solutions and an overview of what's feasible. You'd rather have fun with data protection and IT security. Then try your hand at this quiz.