The ClimEx project seeks to investigate the occurence and impacts of extreme meteorological events on the hydrology in Bavaria and Québec under climate change.
It especially consists of two new aspects:
- An ensemble of 50 transient runs of the canadian general circulation model CanESM2 (~200km resolution) from 1950 to 2100, resulting in 7500 years of modelled climate. As each of these runs is initialized with only slightly altered starting conditions, this ensemble can be interpreted as (modelled) natrural variability. The CanESM2 then drives the regional climate model CRCM5 (~11km resolution) for a domain that covers most of central Europe. Both models are internationally established and widely used in the climate science community.
- A physically based hydrological model (WaSiM) is driven by this climate input for the entire hydrological Bavaria at very high temporal and spatial resolution of 3 hours and 500m to investigate both climate change impacts and natural variability of extreme events, especially floods.
The innovative approach to the issues as outlined above requires the use of considerable computing power together with the expertise of professional data processing and innovative data management, which are contributed by LMU and Leibniz Supercomputing Centre. The Canadian partners share their methodological expertise in making higher resolution dynamic climate projections better accessable. ClimEx further strengthens the international collaboration between Bavaria and Québec as research facilities, universities and public water agencies intensify their former cooperation approaches.
Events and Conferences
ClimEx Kick-off Meeting, Munich, March 30th to April 03rd, 2015
ClimEx project meeting, Montréal/Québec City, November 23rd to 26th, 2015
ClimEx project meeting, Munich, June 20th to 23rd, 2016
ClimEx project meeting, Montréal, February 20rd to 26nd, 2017
presentations at ICRC CORDEX Conference, Stockholm, May 17th to 20th, 2016 (
presentations at EGU general Assembly, Vienna, April 17th to 22th, 2016 (
LMU ClimEx Team wins poster presentation award at ICRC CORDEX
Fast Facts
Project Duration
2015 - 2019
Contact person
Dr. Gilbert Brietzke
Funding agency
Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection
Partner Institutions
- LMU München
- Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
- Ouranos - Climate Scenarios and Services Group
- Centre d'Expertise hydrique du Québec (CEHQ)
- École de Technologie Superieure (ETS)
- Montreal (PQ)