Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten 2015
Allalen, M., Brayford, D., Tafani, D., Weinberg, V., Mohr, B., Brömmel, D., Halver, R., Meinke, J., Mohanty, S.: The Mont-Blanc Project: First Phase successfully finished. In: inSIDE, Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 54-57, 2015.
Alter, S., Bader, K. C., Spannagl, M., Wang, Y., Bauer, E., Schön, C-C., Mayer, K. F. X.: Drought DB: an expert-curated compilation of plant drought stress genes and their homologs in nine species. In: Database – The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation. Oxford University Press. 2015. pp. bav046, 2015.
Atkinson M., Carpene M., Casarott E., Claus S., Filgueira R., Frank A., Galea M., Gemuend A., Igel H., Klampanos I., Krause A., Krischer L., Leong S.H., Magnoni F., Matser J., Michelini A., Schwichtenberg H., Spinuso A. and Vilotte J.-P.: VERCE delivers a productive e- Science environment for seismology research. In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on eScience, 2015.
Aurand, B., Kuschel, S., Rödel, C., Jäckel, O., Polz, J., Elkin, B., Zhao, H., Karmakar, A., Gibbon, P., Kaluza, M. C., Kuehl, T.: Reduction of X-ray generation in high-intensity laser ion acceleration. In: Applied Physics, Vol. 118, Issue 2, pp. 247-25, 2015.
Dolag, K., Reinecke, M., Hammer, N., Jamitzky, F., Iapichino, L., Satzger, F., Kühn, M., Rahn, M.: Visualizing 10^11 particles from cosmological simulations. In: inSIDE, Vol. 13, Issue 2, p. 29, 2015.
von Eye, F.: Effective Security Monitoring through System Recognition. In: ICIMP 2015, The Tenth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection. Eds. Paleologu C. & Lloret Mauri J., IARIA, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 8-11, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-61208-413-8. URL: http://www.thinkmind.org/download.php?articleid=icimp_2015_1_20_30008.
von Eye, F., Grabatin M, Hommel W.: Netzbasierte Erkennung von mittels Port Knocking versteckten Diensten und Backdoors. In: 8. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien - Beiträge der Fachtagung. Hrsg. Müller P., Neumair, B, Reiser, H & Dreo Rodosek, G., GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI): Proceedings 243. Bonn, Deutschland: Gesellschaft für Informatik, Juni 2015, S. 57-67. ISBN: 978-3-88579-637-4.
von Eye, F., Schmitz D., Hommel W.. Integrated Tool Support in the Context of Security and Network Management Convergence. In: INFOCOMP 2015, The Fifth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation. Eds. Rückemann, C-P & Pankowska, M. Brussels, Belgium: IARIA, June 2015, pp. 36-42. ISBN: 978-1-61208-416-9. URL: http://www.thinkmind.org/download.php?articleid=infocomp_2015_2_30_60058.
von Eye F., Böttger T., Reiser H., Braun L., Gasser, O., Carle, G.: DoS Amplification Attacks ¬ Protocol-Agnostic Detection of Service Abuse in Amplifier Networks. In: Traffic Monitoring and Analysis. Eds. Steiner, M., Barlet-Ros, P., Bonaventure, O. Volume 9053. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lugano, Schwitzerland: Springer International Publishing, May 2015, pp. 205-218. ISBN: 978-3-319-17171-5.
von Eye, F., Hommel W., Metzger S.: Know-how: Aufbau und Betrieb von organisationsweitem Security-Monitoring - Wichtiges sehen, Gefährliches bekämpfen. In: IT-Administrator. Bd. 3. München, Deutschland: Heinemann Verlag GmbH, März 2015, S. 99-102.
von Eye, F., Böttger T., Reiser H., Braun L., Gasser O., Carle G.: Detektion und Prävention von Denial-of-Service Amplification Attacken - Schutz des Netzes aus Sicht eines Amplifiers. In: Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen: 22. DFN-Konferenz. Hrsg. Paulsen, C. Norderstedt, Deutschland: Books on Demand, Feb. 2015, H-1-H-13. ISBN: 978-3-7347-5309-1.
von Eye, F., Hommel, W., Metzger, S.: Seeing Eye - Set up and operate security monitoring throughout the enterprise. In: Admin: Network & Security. Vol. 29. Manchester, England: Linux New Media, Dec. 2015, S. 66–71.
Frank, A., Donners, J., Pursula, A., Seinstra, F., & Kranzlmüller, D.: Enhancing Environmental HPC Applications: The EnCompAS approach. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Vol. 17, p. 7583, 2015.
García R. J., Rodríguez A., García J. M., Magdics M., Bekaert P., Sibert M.: Implementation of an immersive videogame: Legends of Girona. In: International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG), Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2015 (IGI Global), pp. 1-20.
Govoni, F., Murgia, M., Xu, H., Li, H., Norman, M., Feretti, l., Giovannini, G., Vacca, V., Bernardi, G., Bonafede, A., Brunetti, G., Carretti, E., Colafrancesco, S., Donnert, J., Ferrari, C., Gitti, M., Iapichino, L., Johnston-Hollitt, M., Pizzo, R., Rudnick, L.: Cluster magnetic fields through the study of polarized radio halos in the SKA era. Proceedings of the conference Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14), PoS(AASKA14)105. arXiv: 1501.00389. 2015.
Grabatin, M., Hommel, W., Metzger, S., Pöhn, D.: DAME: On-demand Internet-scale SAML Metadata Exchange. In: International Journal On Advances in Systems and Measurements, Vol. 8, Eds. IARIA, 2015, ISSN 1942-261x. pp 156-167.
Guillen C., Hesse W., Navarrete C., Brehm M.: Automated Analysis of the Performance of Jobs on SuperMUC with the PerSyst Tool. In: Inside, Vol 13, Issue 2, Autumn 2015.
Guminski, K., Anthes, C., Brandstätter, M.: Senseparation. Short paper in: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA ’15), Vancouver, Canada, 2015.
Guminski, K., Anthes, C., Brandstätter, M.: Senseparation. Extended Abstract in: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA ’15), Vancouver, Canada, 2015.
Hommel, W., Metzger S., Pöhn D., von Eye, F.: Improving higher education network security by automating scan result evaluation with Dr. Portscan. In: EUNIS Journal of Higher Education IT - EJHEIT. Eds. Mennielli, M.,Vol. 2. EUNIS 2014 - 20th EUNIS Congress. Umea, Sweden, May 2015, pp. 11-20.
Hammer, N., Satzger, H., Allalen, M., Karmakar, A., Iapichino, L., Jamitzky, F.: SuperMUC Phase 2: Challenges of Peta-scale applications. In: inSIDE, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 26ff. 2015.
Hammer, N., Jamitzky, F., Satzger, H., Allalen, M., Block, A., Karmakar, A., Brehm, M., Bader, R., Iapichino, L., Ragagnin, A., Karakasis, V., Kranzlmüller, D., Bode, A., Huber, H., Kühn, M., Machado, R., Grünewald, D., Edelmann, P.V.K., Röpke, F.K., Wittmann, M., Zeiser, T., Wellein, G., Mathias, G., Schwörer, M., Lorenzen, K., Federrath, C., Klessen, R., Bamberg, K.-U., Ruhl, H., Schornbaum, F., Bauer, M., Nikhil, A., Qi, J., Klimach, H., Stüben, H., Deshmukh, A., Falkenstein, T., Dolag, K., Petkova, M.: Extreme Scale-out SuperMUC Phase 2 - lessons learned. To be published in the Proceedings of ParCo 2015 Mini-symposium on Multi-system Application Extreme-scaling Imperative (MAXI 2015).
Hommel W., Metzger S., Pöhn D.: GÉANT-TrustBroker: Simplifying Identity & Access Management for International Research Projects and Higher Education Communities. In: EUNIS Journal of Higher Education IT - EJHEIT. Eds. Mennielli, M., Vol. 2. EUNIS 2015 - 20th EUNIS Congress. Umea, Sweden, May 2015.
Iapichino, L., Karakasis, V., Karmakar, A., Hammer, N., Petkova, M., Dolag, K.: Quickly selecting nearest particles in the Friends-of-Friends component of Gadget. Proceedings of ISC High Performance 2015, presentation in BoF session 13: Unleashing the Power of Next-Generation Many-Core Processors. Frankfurt, Germany, 2015.
Iapichino, L., Karakasis, V., Karmakar, A., Hammer, N., Petkova, M., Dolag, K.: Improving node-level performance in Gadget: data structure and data locality. Proceedings of ISC High Performance 2015, presentation in the workshop ‘The road to application performance on Intel Xeon Phi’. Frankfurt, Germany, 2015.
Kader I., Sengoku-Haga K., Anthes C., Ikeuchi K.: Archäologische Sehschule 2.0. In Akademie Aktuell, Band 53, Heft 2, Mai 2015, S.72-77.
Karmakar, A., Hammer, N., Iapichino, L., Karakasis, V.: Intel Parallel Computing Center (IPCC) at LRZ. In: inSIDE, Vol. 13, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 88ff.
Leong S. H., Anthes C., Magnon F., Spinuso A., Casarotti E.: Advanced Visualisation of Seismic Wave Propagation and Speed Model. In inSiDE, Volume 13, Issue 1, Spring 2015, pp. 34 ff.
Leong S. H. and Kranzlmüller D.: Towards a General Definition of Urgent Computing. In ICCS, Vol. 51 of Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 2015, pages 2337 – 2346.
Leong S. H. and Kranzlmüller D.: Advanced Visualisation and Urgent Computing. In Intl. Symposiurm on Grids and Clouds 2015, Vol. 17 of Intl. Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2015, March 2015.
Leong S. H. and Kranzlmüller D.: A Case Study - Cost of Preemption for Urgent Computing on SuperMUC. In ISC High Performance Computing, Vol. 9137 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 422–433.
Lorenzen, K., Mathias, G., Tavan, P.: Linearly Scaling an Almost Hamiltonian Dielectric Continuum Molecular Dynamics Simulations through Fast Multipole Expansions. In: J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 143, Issue 184114, 2015.
Navarrete C., Guillen C., Hesse W., Brayford D., Brehm M.: EU Project ‘AutoTune’ finished. In: Inside, Vol 13, Issue 2, Autumn 2015.
Pöhn D.: Topology of Dynamic Metadata Exchange via a Trusted Third Party. In: GI-Edition 251 - Open Identity Summit 2015. Germany, Berlin, November 2015.
Schmidt, W., Schulz, J., Iapichino, L., Vazza, F., Almgren, A. S.: Influence of adaptive mesh refinement and the hydro solver on shear-induced mass stripping in a minor-merger scenario. In: Astronomy & Computing, Vol. 9, Issue 49, 2015.
Schwörer, M., Lorenzen, K., Mathias, G., Tavan, P.: Utilizing Fast Multipole Expansions for Efficient and Accurate Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations. In: J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 142, Issue 104108, 2015.
Schwörer, M., Mathias, G.: Modeling Biomolecular Solvation Effects by Hybrid QM/MM Methods. In: Computational Trends in Solvation and Transport in Liquids. Eds. Sutmann, G., Grotendorst, J., Gompper, G., Marx, D. Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, IAS Series 28, 2015, p. 315-332, ISBN 978-3-95806-030-2.
Sgattoni, A., Fedeli, L., Sinigardi, S., Marocchino, A., Macchi, A., Weinberg, V., Karmakar, A.: Optimising PICCANTE - an Open Source Particle-in-Cell Code for Advanced Simulations on Tier-0 Systems. In: arXiv:1503.02464 [cs.DC], 2015.
Shoukourian H., Wilde T., Auweter A., Bode A., Tafani D.: Predicting Energy Consumption Relevant Indicators of Strong Scaling HPC Applications for Different Compute Resource Configurations. Spring Simulation Multi-Conference 2015, At Alexandria, Virginia, USA, Simulation Series Vol 47, No. 4; ISBN: 9781510801011.
Shoukourian H., Wilde T., Auweter A., Bode A.: Power Variation Aware Configuration Adviser for Scalable HPC Schedulers. In Proceedings of International IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015.
Shoukourian, H., Wilde, T., Auweter, A., Bode, A., Tafani, D.: Predicting Energy Consumption Relevant Indicators of Strong Scaling HPC Applications for Different Compute Resource Configurations. Proceedings of the 23rd High Performance Computing Symposium, Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), ACM, 2015.
Weinberg, V., Allalen, M.: 2nd Intel MIC & GPU Programming Workshop at LRZ. In: inSIDE, Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 79, 2015.
Weinberg, V. : Workshop Recent Advances in Parallel Programming Languages at LRZ. In: inSIDE, Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 80, 2015.
Wiedemann M., C. Anthes, Bunge, H.-P., Schuberth, B. S. A., Kranzlmüller, D.: Transforming Geodata for Immersive Visualisation. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on eScience (eScience ‘15). Munich, Germany, 2015, pp. S. 249-254.
Wilde T., Auweter A., Shoukourian H., Bode A.: Taking advantage of node power variation in homogenous HPC systems to save energy. In Proceedings of High Performance Computing 30th International Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, 2015, pp. 376-393.
Wilde, T., Clees, T., Hornung, N., Labrenz, D., Schnell, M., Schwichtenberg, H., Shoukourian, H., Torgovitskaia, I., Lluch Alvarez, E.: Increasing Data Center Energy Efficiency via Simulation and Optimization of Cooling Circuits - A Practical Approach; In: LNCS 9424, Proceedings of Energy Informatics, 4th D-A-CH Conference, EI 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2015, pp. 208 ff.
Wilde, T., Clees, T., Schwichtenberg, H., Shoukourian, H., Labrenz, D., Torgovitskaia, I., Schnell, M., Hornung, N., Klaaßen, B., Lluch Alvarez, E.: Towards energy-efficient data center infrastructure - a holistic approach based on software for modeling, simulation, and (re) configuration of the energy network. Proceedings of the 29th EnviroInfo and 3rd ICT4S Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015. ISBN: 978-87-7903-712-0.
Zachmann, M., Mathias, G., Antes, I.: Parameterization of the Hamiltonian Dielectric Solvent (HADES) Reaction-Field Method for the Solvation Free Energies of Amino Acid Side-Chain Analogs. In: ChemPhysChem, Vol. 16, pp. 1739-1749, 2015.